SR626SW batteries are widely used coin cell batteries. Choose a good SR626SW battery from a renowned company if you need a coin cell battery with physical dimensions of (D x H) 6.8 x 2.8 mm, especially if you need it for an electronic equipment or gadget that demands stable voltage. Lets see the SR626SW battery equivalent, which can be found in hardware stores, watch repair shops, and online stores.
SR626SW battery equivalent
Are you looking for a replacement for the SR626SW battery? The LR626 Battery can also be used to replace SR626SW batteries.
As can be seen, there are two distinct chemistries for LR626/SR626 batteries:
- The nominal voltage of the silver-oxide SR626SW/SR626 battery is 1.55 v. This remains rather stable when the batteries are discharged. Furthermore, such batteries hold a higher capacity, allowing for a significantly longer operation duration for several devices with just one battery replacement.
However, most manufacturers now offer SR626 batteries (multi-drain) that may be used in keychain LED torches, thermometers, analog watches, both digital and toys, and other devices.
- The nominal voltage of alkaline LR/66LR626 batteries is 1.5 volts, and it lowers to 1.0 volts pretty quickly over time. When utilizing alkaline AG4/LR66/LR626 batteries, however, sensitive electronics may have problems running at such low voltages and may have reliability difficulties. Furthermore, as compared to silver-oxide batteries, their capacity is 30 percent lower when drained down to 1.0 volts and up to 50 percent lower when drained down to 1.2 volts.
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In addition, see the most popular labels for equivalent batteries in detail.
SR626SW Battery vs LR626 Battery
The coin/button cell batteries SR626SW and LR626 are commonly found in thermometers, vehicle keys, remote controllers, digital cameras, toys, wrist watches, and other devices.
The physical dimensions of SR626SW and LR626 batteries are identical, however their chemistry and consequently their characteristics and specifications differ. To add to the confusion, some manufacturers use different names for both batteries, such as SG4, 376, 377, GA4, AG4, SR66, LR66 and so on.
Safety Concerns with SR626SW and LR626 Batteries
Heavy contaminants such as mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals are not present in modern SR626SW and LR626 batteries.
However, because they are small and sparkly, they may attract children and dogs who may swallow them. Although these batteries do not contain heavy components, electrolysis can occur when bodily fluids shut the circuit, resulting in internal burns and other complications.
That’s why batteries like the LR626, SR626SW, and others are sold in “pets/kids safe” containers.
In the event that these or similar batteries are ingested, contact your local emergency center right away and follow their recommendations.
Specifications and Features of SR626SW and LR626 Batteries
- The SR626SW batteries have a shelf life of at least 3-5 years, and in some cases, much longer, depending on the brand.
- Because of technological advancements, most manufacturers now provide so-called multi-drain SR626SW batteries, which have a big capacity and a high tolerance for high-drain currents.
- High-drain SR626SW batteries are recommended for applications that demand reasonably high currents, albeit they have a smaller capacity than low-drain SR626SW batteries.
- w250px Sony sr626sw Some manufacturers provide low-drain and high-drain SR626SW batteries, with the low-drain SR626SW batteries having a higher capacity but not being advised for watches with alarms, LED lights, and other features that demand relatively high currents.
- The SR626SW batteries’ real capacity is additionally affected by the device, maximum and average drain current, battery temperature, age, and other factors.
- A Silver-Oxide battery, the SR626SW has a nominal 1.55 v, cutoff volt of 1.2 v, nominal capacity of 25-30 mAh.
- LR626 batteries have a shelf life of 3-5 years, and seldom longer.
- LR626 batteries are also known as AG4 batteries, LR66 batteries, alkaline 376 batteries, alkaline 377 batteries, and others.
- lr626 w200px Skoanbe
- Note that nominal capacity is affected by the device being powered by the LR626 battery, as well as drain current, temperature, battery age, and other factors.
- The Alkaline LR626 battery has a a nominal capacity of 15-18 mAh, a cutoff voltage of 0.9-1.0 volts, and nominal voltage of 1.5 volts
- The physical dimensions of LR626 and SR626SW batteries are the same (D x H) 6.8 x 2.6 mm, with the chemistry being the only change.
AG4 versus SG4 duracell 377 battery: SG4 to be a silver-oxide G4′ battery, whereas AG4 to be an ‘alkaline G4’ battery.
But, some manufacturers label AG4 (incorrect) and silver-oxide batteries with both SG4 (correct) to indicate that they are a substitute for SR626SW/SR626/LR626/SR66/LR66/SG4/AG4 batteries.
– If the battery code below the digits does not include the letters ‘S,’ or ‘P’ the battery most likely includes electrolyte (organic).
– A sodium hydroxide electrolyte battery is identified by the letter ‘S’ in the battery code following the digits.
– A potassium hydroxide battery is identified by the letter ‘P’ in the battery code following the digits.
– If the battery code begins with the letter ‘S,’ the coin cell is a’silver-oxide’ kind (SR626, SR66, SR626SW).
– If the battery code begins with the letter ‘L,’ the battery is an alkaline 626 battery (LR626, LR66, AG4),
Product descriptions as SR626SW battery equivalent
ENERGIZER 377/376TZ watch battery.
Because of their steady discharge characteristics, these silver oxide 377 button cells are widely employed in calculators, clocks, and certain photography applications.
- Height: 2.6 mm
- Width: 6.8 mm
- Chemistry: Silver Oxide
- Capacity: 27 mAh
- Voltage: 1.55 Volts
Varta V377, Toshiba SR626SW, Timex BA, Sony SR626SW, Renata 377, Panasonic SP377, Maxell SR626SW, Energizer 377, Duracell D377, and Duracell 377, are all Energizer 376 battery equivalents.
Seiko V377, SR66, GP377, SR626SW, SR626, SB-AW, Citizen 280-39, D377, 565, BA, Bulova 606 are some of the other names for this watch.
Watches, calculators, blood pressure monitors, diabetes meters, hearing aids, and a variety of other electronic devices are all compatible with the Energizer 376 battery.
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Energizer 377/376 SR626SW SR66 Watch Battery
Energizer 377/376 SR636SW silver oxide batteries do not contain mercury, unlike previous silver oxide button cells, making them safer for the environment and the user.
The Apollo lunar module, Saturn rocket launcher, moon rover, and life-support bag all employed the same technology. Larger versions have been used to power submarines and torpedoes of the Alpha class. That’s a lot of advanced technology to power your watch, and it’s all for an incredibly inexpensive price.
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In addition, the battery employs cutting-edge multi-drain technology. Multi-drain means they are adaptable and function as well in high-drain settings (digital, electric watches) as well as low-drain scenarios (analogue watches). When multiple sizes of batteries are required, this means you just need one battery. This battery can be used to replace both 377 and 376 batteries. It has a long shelf life and has been well tested, so you can trust it.
Because their energy density is higher than that of ordinary batteries, these Button Cells pack a lot of energy for their small size. They’re primary cells, which means you only use them once before throwing them away.
When you wear a high-end watch, you want a high-end watch battery to keep it working smoothly, and Energizer is the first brand that comes to mind. Accurist, Casio, Fossil, Seiko, and Timex all employ the Energizer 377/376 SR626SW button cell in their timepieces. Some small toys, cameras, calculators, and talking e-books use SR626SW battery equivalent as well.
Silver Oxide 1.55 Volts Energizer 377-376 Watch Battery (SR626SW)
SR521SW Silver Oxide Watch Batteries 1.55V 27mAh, Low Drain Energizer 377 376 Watch Battery.
Having a stockpile of calculator and watch batteries ensures you’ll never be caught off guard. The SR626SW battery (e.g., Energizer 377 376 watch battery), is the most popular watch battery, and is widely used by Timex, Seiko, Fossil, Casio, Accurist.
It has a long shelf life and has been well tested, so you can trust it.
- 1 Year Warranty
- Chemistry: Silver Oxide
- 27 mAh Capacity
- Voltage: 1.55 Volts
Varta V377, Toshiba SR626SW, Timex BA, Sony SR626SW, Renata 377, Panasonic SP377, Maxell SR626SW, Energizer 377, Duracell D377, Duracell 377 are all Energizer 376 battery equivalents.
Hearing aids, diabetes meters, blood pressure monitors, calculators, and watches and a variety of other electronic devices are all compatible with the Energizer 376 battery.
Frequently asked questions
What battery will be used as SR626SW battery equivalent?
The SR626W and SR626SW batteries are replaced by the 377 button battery. The Energizer 377/376 is a multi-drain silver oxide button cell battery with a voltage of 1.55 volts. 377 376 is a watch battery that replaces the SR626W and SR626SW batteries.
Is it possible to use LR626 as SR626SW battery equivalent?
This item also replaces the Energizer 376 battery, as well as the OEM component numbers SR626SW, TR626W, D377, and many others.
How can you tell the difference between SR626 and SR626SW?
The Alkaline LR626 battery has a nominal voltage of 1.5 volts, a cutoff voltage of 0.9-1.0 volts, and a nominal capacity of 15-18 mAh. A Silver-Oxide battery, the SR626SW has a nominal voltage of 1.55 volts, a cutoff voltage of 1.2 volts, and a nominal capacity of 25-30 mAh.
What Batteries Have the Same Capacity as a Maxell SR626SW?
The Energizer 377 battery, the Seiko SB-AW battery, and the Duracell D377 battery are all comparable in size and function to the Maxell SR626SW battery. These button-cell batteries, often known as micro batteries, power timepieces and small electronics like calculators and health monitors.
What watch battery has the same capacity as 377?
SB-AW, 377, GP377, AG4, V377, D377, SR66, SR626W, SR626 Watch Battery SR626SW and comparable button cell batteries SB-AW, 377, GP377, AG4, V377, D377, SR66, SR626W, SR626 Watch Battery.
What kind of battery will work with the SR621SW?
E364, SB-AG, AG1/364A, 364A, 364X, GP164, SW621, LR620, LR60, SG1, LR621, L621, AG-1, 364, AG1, GP364, S621E, D364, 602, SB-AG/DG, 280-34, T, V364, SR621, SR60, SR621SW batteries are all direct replacements.