BMW key fob battery replacement | A brief introduction

While a key fob may be a fantastic source of convenience for BMW owners, it can also be a cause of annoyance if the battery in your key fob dies. A malfunctioning BMW key can be inconvenient and jeopardize the security of your car. In this article, we will guide you on BMW key fob battery replacement.

BMW key fob battery replacement is simple.

The following steps will show you how to change the battery in your BMW key fob:

  1. Toggle the BMW remote. Take a look at the back of your BMW key to see what it says. Underneath the rear cover lies the BMW key battery.
  2. Remove the battery cover from the battery.
  3. Remove the old battery from the system. To remove the battery, lift it out of the way.
  4. Replace the BMW key battery. Replace the old battery with the new BMW key battery. Do not yank the battery out of its socket. Only gently press down on the battery.
  5. Close the remote control. Return the remote’s cover to its original position.

What Does it Take to Become a BMW Key Fob Programmer?

You’ll need to know how to program a new BMW key if you get a new key fob. It’s simple!

  • Replace the new fob’s metal key and place it in the ignition.
  • Without turning on the engine, turn the key to position one and back until you hear a little click each time. Five times rapidly, repeat this exercise.
  • Remove the key from the BMW fob and replace it.
  • Press the BMW logo three times while holding the unlock button down. Removing your finger from the unlock button is a good idea.
  • Turn on the ignition to complete the programming procedure. You’ve just become a BMW key fob coder!

You’ll need to connect more than one key fob if you have a backup key fob or if you share your automobile with someone else. Repeat the fourth step with the new key within 30 seconds of programming the first key.

Everything You Should Know About BMW key fob battery replacement

BMW has a long list of innovative features, such as touch-activated doors and driving profiles that remember your seat position.

What about those Key Fobs, why’s that? They’re little, but they pack a lot of punch when it comes to convenience. You never want to lose or break one, but it does happen from time to time. If this is the case, continue reading to learn all you need to know about replacing it.

BMW Key Fobs are available in a variety of styles.

For a long time, key fobs have controlled the automobile sales key industry. Even in 2019, keyless ignition was found in 91 percent of model-year autos.

However, BMW and its premium automobiles were ahead of the curve. For the last two decades, BMW automobiles have sold key remotes. With the release of its digital key in 2021, there are no indicators that its status will shift. Aside from the digital key, the regular fob model menu looks like this: Ignition using a Turn-in-Key

This version comes with a metal blade that you push into the ignition and turn to the start position. It still features a lock and unlock function along with a hold-release trunk button. Plus, the panic alarm is always handy, so you don’t ever have to search for the car in the parking lot.

Keyless (Non-Comfort Access) Entry

To start your BMW, you don’t need a typical metal blade using a Non-Comfort Access key fob. A panic alarm, an unlock and lock button, and a trunk release feature are all included on the remote. Push-to-Start ignitions are available on BMW models equipped with these devices, but you’ll need to slip your key fob into a slot near the steering wheel.

Convenient Access

To unlock, lock, or start and stop your car, you don’t need to remove this BMW Key Fob. The ignition is the only button you need to press.

BMW Keyless Entry vs. Comfort Access

Although BMW Comfort Access and keyless entry are similar, there are a few major differences. The following items are included in both key fobs:

  • Lock and unlock from a distance
  • Ignition by pushing a button

Comfort Access, on the other hand, features a proximity function. This function allows you to open your automobile door simply by touching the handle while you’re within 5 feet of it. You may also lock your doors by touching the top of the handle.

It’s also possible to open your trunk. With Comfort Access keys and Automatic Tailgate, you can open the gate with a simple tap of your foot. A sensor in certain models detects the tap and opens and shuts your trunk automatically. Comfort Access also entails keeping your BMW key fob in your pocket when starting and stopping your car.

Frequently asked questions for BMW key fob battery replacement

What kind of battery does a BMW key fob take?

Replacement of the BMW key fob battery image

A CR2450 battery is required to replace your BMW Smart Key Battery.

How much does a BMW key battery replacement cost?

The typical cost of a battery replacement is between $275 and $300, depending on the vehicle.

Will BMW begin with a broken key fob?

Will a BMW start if the key fob is dead? If the battery in your BMW key fob dies, you won’t be able to unlock your vehicle remotely or utilize keyless entry if your BMW has Comfort Access. Even if your key fob is dead, you’ll be able to start your BMW by pressing the start/stop button on the dashboard.

What’s the deal with BMW’s exorbitant battery prices?

Because it’s a German automobile with specific components and technology, maintaining a BMW is costly. A skilled BMW mechanic will have the expertise needed to conduct a thorough and successful repair. A battery replacement, for example, might cost $400 due to the mechanic’s requirement to register the battery with the engine control module.

What battery brand does BMW use?

One of the highest-rated batteries for BMW automobiles is the NORTHSTAR Group 94R (L4) Battery. The majority of contemporary BMWs employ AGM technology batteries. This battery may be used in 2002 and newer BMWs with lead-acid batteries, although coding is required to alter the battery type.

How long does the battery in a BMW key last?

Depending on usage, BMW key fob batteries should be replaced every 3-5 years.

Is it possible to recharge a BMW key?

If you have an electric toothbrush charger, use it to charge the key. An electric toothbrush, like the BMW key, charges using induction. Remove the electric toothbrush from the charging station and replace it with the key. Allow the key to charge for a few hours or overnight on the charging station.

How much does a BMW key replacement cost?

A new BMW key fob that is configured to your car costs between $400 and $650 at a dealership. The Display Key fob used in certain higher-end BMWs, on the other hand, may cost upwards of $1,000.

What happens if the battery in your key fob runs out?

The transmitter’s range decreases as the fob battery gets weaker. This implies that in order for the fob to operate, you must be closer to the vehicle. If the fob battery is low, a vehicle with a push button start may not always detect a smart key fob in your pocket or handbag.

How do you replace the battery in a BMW key fob from 2011?

The kind of BMW key fob is more essential than the year. Multiple or various fob types are frequently used by different automobiles and even the same model. See our table above for images of each variety of fob. You most certainly have a CR 2450 for 2011, but double-check above.

What is the procedure for charging my BMW key?

When you insert your key fob into the ignition of your BMW car, it will charge if it has a rechargeable battery, such as the VL2020. The VL2020 can eventually fail, and you’ll need a soldering kit to replace it. To learn how to change a rechargeable key battery, watch one of our videos.

How much does a BMW vehicle key replacement cost?

BMW automobile keys need to be programmed, which is normally done at a BMW dealer. When I misplaced a key, the dealership charged me $400 to program a new one. I also had to provide a copy of my driver’s license and registration. It’s not cheap.

What type of battery should be used in a BMW key?

Your key’s battery is determined by the key fob. However, 3v coin batteries such as the CR2032, CR2450, and the rechargeable VL2020 are the most prevalent BMW key batteries.

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